The GPS screen is unreadable during the day. Any fixes??? Has anyone had any luck with replacement screens or GPS units from Toyota?
do you have the headlights off and the setting to day? some people make a cardboard hood to block the glare of the sun.
Yes the headlights are off and the setting is "day". Shouldn't need a cardboard cover on a GPS unit that costs about 5K to replace.
I have the same problem. I believe its the low resolution/brightness of Prius C touch screen which makes it difficult to see in bright day light.
yes, it's been a problem across the toyota line forever. you can ask the dealer, but i don't think you'll be accommodated unless yours is defective.
I thought so. However there really is no excuse charging for a GPS device in a new car and the owner not being able to use it in day light. The only safe time to rely on GPS is at night with NO sun light what so ever. frustrating in that the car does what they said it would do and that is the very low maintenance and excellent MPG.
Also I have an uncanny rumble and vibration which I feel in the steering wheel, seat and floor. Vibration and rumble increase and decrease at same rate. Intermittent. Doesn't seem to have any effect on the vehicle. Not metal on metal. Toyota mechanic went out with me and acknowledged syndrome. Not heard of it before. Drove a late model prius c on the lot to compare and he sensed it in a new one. Said keep an eye on it. He checked factory alerts etc on it and found nothing. Went all over the car and found no problems. Howevr he said it felt like an engine mount.
yes it has been frustrating for many. a lot of people mount a garmin or their phone in a strategic location. as for the vibration, there are a lot of complaints, but solutions are few and far between. good for you, taking a test drive in a new one. that's the best way to compare.
The only thing I found that helped at all was to set the contrast way down and the brightness up. But if the screen is in full sunlight nothing will improve the view.