any one here can help me out? i am specifically looking for the speed sender wire location and color of the cable that send the info to the speedo
Your c wiring diagram manual is at with the rest of your service manuals. Since the car has several sensors that can be used to determine speed (wheel speed sensors at each wheel and a resolver in MG2), it's possible your speed display gets the info by CANBUS messages from other ECUs that have it ... in older models I think the combo meter itself would then synthesize the speed pulse signal that was used by, e.g., the nav unit, but I don't know if that's still how they do it, which is why your best bet is probably to check the manuals. -Chap
On the North American spec Prius c, there is no discrete speed signal to the combination meter. As Chap stated above, vehicle speed data is communicated via CAN.
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good to know thank you guys.... i only wanted to know so i can correct my speedo since i am using different tire specs