I bought this 04 Prius and it has given me nothing but headaches. Some background the brake pump would keep running so I was told the accumulator was bad, the 12v battery was bad, the speedometer was bad(it would not work 80% of the time), the hybrid battery went bad, AC wont work. This is what I have done to the car so far. Got a new 12V battery. Replaced bad cell in the hybrid pack. Took out speedo and sent it in for repair and I have gotten it back. The brakes completely failed on me so I got another abs pump with the accumulator from the junk yard and I changed it out. I bought a Toyota Intelligent Tester 2 from ebay so I could bleed the brakes but it came broken so I will just take it to the dealer to take care of that. Right now the brakes obviously have lots of air in them and the car constantly beeps with the abs vsc lights on indicating a brake problem. I tried jumpering the pins and pressing the brake pedal 8 times to clear the lights but they don't clear. I'm just looking for some suggestions. Could I have installed something wrong? Or gotten a bad pump? Or is this because it still needs to be bled?
If the car is giving you that many problems, you might just want to cut your losses and just sell it. As you've already experience hv battery issues and fixed it by replacing a module, that can easily fail over and over again. It'll be a never ending headache.
135,000 but I want to get it running before I sell it. I can't sell it with no brakes. Plus with new battery, speedo fixed, etc I wanna see it run lol. I don't mind changing out cells again, that part was cake. I HATED doing the ABS pump as a lot of stuff had to come out.
Do you guys know if it will keep beeping if it needs to be bled? Or maybe I didn't plug in something wrong? There is only that one big connector for the ABS pump right? Is there a way to pull codes with the paper clips? I will do a search. The car has been sitting a while also so I will get my battery charged up at autozone and see if anything changes.
1. The brake system warning beep definitely is triggered by air in the system, so that is the first issue for you to resolve. 2. Get Mini VCI which is essentially the same as Toyota Techstream. 3. After you get Mini VCI running on a Windows XP or Windows 7, 32 bit OS laptop. use that to bleed the brake system. 4. After the brake hydraulic system is bled, then see what other issues remain.