Has anyone found a way to add usb ports...i wish they came in the back doors Travelling with kids, need those tablets charged. Thanks.
…something like this? (…try eBay - there are lots of them!) DC 12V 3 Way Auto Car Cigarette Lighter Socket Splitter Charger Adapter USB | eBay
That one only has one USB port. With a little searching you should be able to find more. The one "cigarette lighter" plug that I have has two. Check phone stores and computer stores.......like Staples.
You can't add USB ports for data purposes, but as already posted you can add lots of charging ports with a power adapter. Check the power specs on whatever you buy. They're supposed to put out 500mA at 5v. You'd want at least that, or more, to charge a tablet.
Actually, I would like to add usb ports into the back of the console if it was possible. I did order one of the AVANTEK S35 Premium 7.8A / 39W Output 5-Port Intelligent USB Car Charger for the time being.
Looks like a pretty good deal for $21 on ebay Avantek S35 Premium 7 8A 39W Output 5 Port Intelligent USB Car Charger Chargin | eBay
There's already a power jack right behind the back seats, just plug it in there and run the cord under the seats.
And velcro the outlet box to something sturdy. If you get the "industrial" velcro, it will withstand the heat for a good long time.......but maybe not forever.
Hate that, probably why I never buy anything there anymore. They're much more a cloud provider than anything else now.
Yes, I heard they are going to stop selling merchandise altogether...As they make no money selling items.