The auto-unlock (keyless entry) stopped working on my car. Neither the two front doors nor the trunk unlock when the key is in my pocket. It was working just the day before and now it seems to have randomly stopped working. Any ideas?
It's definitely not out of battery because I can use the key to lock and unlock the car if I press the buttons. I suppose it could be in a low state of battery where the buttons work but keyless entry doesn't? But I don't think that makes much sense. They key fob is also only 16 months old. They don't run out of battery that quickly, do they? Yes the car is still under warranty and I will take it in unless I hear of any easy solution from someone here. Just wondering if anyone has encountered this before and what the problem was. One thing I thought of is whether there is a keyless entry setting I accidentally turned off?
sometimes a low fob battery will cause the sks not to work, but the buttons will still work. a bad 12 volt can cause the same issue. have you tried the second fob?
i think you can shut off the sks in the settings menu, but it would be hard to do accidentally. it's not a switch like the gen II.
Check for a switch to disable the SKS system, this one could be located above the footwell adjacent to the OBDII connector
If you have the a key fob IN the car, then the keyless entry wouldnt work. But the buttons to lock and unlock would still work. This happens to me sometimes when my wife leaves her purse in the car with her car keys. I'm not able to lock or unlock the car without hitting the buttons on MY key fob.
Remember the Key Fobs That Wouldn’t Work in a Specific Part of Chicago? Something Similar Appears to Be Happening to Drivers in Virginia | Video |
Happened to me as well. But then, I think, the car will beep warning on you: "Key In Car" when you leave and shut the door (which really means "purse left inside").
My second key fob is doing just that. Proximity sensor goes out first before the buttons go out. Then you have to hold the fob against the start button to start the car. I replaced my the key fob battery a little over a year after I got the car. I thought it was kinda strange too that it didn't even last two years. That my second fob is going out a year after I started using it, (I rotated keys so I can keep the batteries fresh.) tells me the dealer gave me old fobs or installed old batteries.
mine last 4-5 years. have on all 5 of our hybrids. some say it's where you park them, others say it's something in the environment, and still others, bad circuit board or buttons.
SOLVED! Turns out my issue was the exact same as Tracksyde's. Thanks everyone. Glad I asked you before calling the dealer.
Funny, if (for example) my wife's left her keys in the car, and I attempt to lock it it, the car let's me know with a long (obnoxious) beep.