I've had my Prius for about 5 and a half years and am nearing 180,000 miles, most likely on my way to work in the morning. I've only had one major problem and that didn't happen until 160,000 - the right front wheel bearing failed. Let's see if it will hold up for the next 180,000 miles.
Congrats! I'm only at 93,000... kilometres! (barely 1/3rd of yours). Do share what other normal "wear & tear" items that needed replacement for those who are looking to buy a used Gen 3. (like the 12V battery or any headlight bulbs etc).
That is great to hear! I am at 93,000 miles and have only replaced the normal wear and tear items so far; fluids, filters, tires and 12V battery. Hopefully I can go another 90,000 miles like you
Awesome - I have 102,000 miles on mine. I've replaced the struts/shocks and one control arm. Still have the original 12v battery.
My goal is 250Kmi. That's about 10 years for me. My GMC Jimmy, and my XB that I had just before made it. The Honda I had before the GMC was well on the way, but someone killed it while it was parked. While I got the Honda repaired, it never drove "right" after that as it always felt like it was driving "sideways". Glad to see the Prius holds together.
Turned 150,000 miles Today. I have replaced a burned out headlight, did both, they were cheap. Replaced ugly grey floor mats with Black ones. Roll-up Luggage Cover Broken....wont retract....still usable. Really good MPG tank this week....over 500 miles and mpg display still at 60.0 mpg average. I consistently get 54 to 57 mpg (calculated)
Any of these cars had the trans fluid changed routinely? I am still new to this forum and read a long thread about changing the trans fluid routinely is necessary as opposed to Toyota's recommendation: No service required. thx
That's really great to hear I just pick up a nice on with 86k on her and this really gives me hope I will have it for a while.
I've changed mine every 30k. It takes just under 4 quarts of ATF-WS each time. I've done it at 15k, 30k, 65k and 95k so far. The fluid was pretty dirty at the 15k and 30k changes, but only slightly dirty at 65k. At the 95k change, the fluid looked like new... iPhone ?
We're at 52,000 km's... Just like to add: my long term goal would be to get my 5.0 down to 4.9 (match you ). Seems an uphill battle, with 97 fuel ups already.
I've done a couple of changes, with similar results. At second change it looked very good. OTOH, when I hear people say stuff like "I've got 120K miles, should I change the transaxle fluid?" it makes me cringe.
I changed trans fluid at 160K when I bought the car (Toyota ATF WS) and again at 180K. I believe it was changed at 100K by previous owner.Old fluid was darker, but not too bad when compared to new Toyota fluid..
Hoping to change the WS in a couple of weeks. As far as I know, that will be the first time for this car, which I bought with about 41K last September.