What is the best way to warm up a Prius? With a conventional gas-only vehicle, many people recommend letting the engine run for a short while before moving. In moderate climates, 10-30 seconds is considered enough. The Prius, of course, is no ordinary vehicle! When you start your Prius, the ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) does not start immediately when you turn on your car. I haven't timed it, but I would say it starts 5-10 seconds later. When starting a Prius in moderate climates, is it best to wait for the ICE to turn on, and let it run for a short while, before moving? Or is it fine to just press the power button and take off without waiting for the ICE to warm up?
What is the best way to warm up a Prius? With a conventional gas-only vehicle, many people recommend letting the engine run for a short while before moving. In moderate climates, 10-30 seconds is considered enough. The Prius, of course, is no ordinary vehicle! When you start your Prius, the ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) does not start immediately when you turn on your car. I haven't timed it, but I would say it starts 5-10 seconds later. When starting a Prius in moderate climates, is it best to wait for the ICE to turn on, and let it run for a short while, before moving? Or is it fine to just press the power button and take off without waiting for the ICE to warm up?
Yes, just start and go. I have timed the electric-only grace period at startup, well informally, just counting: seems like about 15 seconds. That can get the car from garage to driveway, or vice versa. Our first cold start any day is invariably proceeded by plugging in the block heater, Two hours seems a good time. Once rolling, like any gas engine, just take it extra easy, for the first few blocks.
i have a few miles to the freeway, so i start and go, taking it easy on the warm up. if i had to power right up, i'd turn the heat up so the engine runs for a few minutes before hitting the highway.
Oops... somehow I posted this twice. I don't know how that happened. I started creating it in this forum, and then realized the Care Maintenance and Troubleshooting forum was a better place, so I cancelled posting this thread and posted it over there. Somehow it still got posted here! Mods, my apologies, and please feel free to delete this thread, as it is correctly posted in the Care Maintenance and Troubleshooting forum.
In ANY modern vehicle, 10 seconds is plenty.......for the engine, unless it is REALLY cold, then maybe 20 seconds. Anything beyond that is for "creature comfort". OK, one exception: If it is necessary for you to FLOOR the pedal immediate after leaving your driveway, then you might want to let the warm up cycle finish; or with a conventional car, give it a couple of minutes.
With The Prius I just go. The eCVT transmission is going to keep the most efficient RPM's possible. I think The Prius has more built in checks and balances on "what" it's doing than most cars given it's hybrid HSD system. It's designed to warm itself up and know when it's warmed up. Couple that with the required 0 weight oil, and I worry less about warming up The Prius than probably any other vehicle I have ever owned.
Keep in mind that you're running mostly on battery power during the initial stage of warm-up, unless you push the go pedal hard, which supposedly ain't good for the cold engine.
and a good reason to try and arrive home with a full battery. use the ice when it's hot, and the battery when it's cold.
Start and go. At best, just avoid going to far into the "ECO" range until the system's warmed up. Yeah, the gas engine is running, but just to warm up...no real demand it being placed on it for propulsion. Once you're warmed up, you can peg the meter into the PWR range to your heart's content.