Can someone tell me if the Persona badge has holes behind it like the other badges or is it only taped on?
Saw that thing off with some heavy fishing line behind the badge. Let it sit in the hot sun, or gently heat it with a hair dryer and take it off. The balance of the sticky goo can be removed by rolling it off with your fingers. Think, trying to get that spot off your smartphone with your fingernail, only use the tip of your finger. I hate extra badging.
I too hate extra badging and have removed most if not all of them on most cars I have owned. This is however the first car in which so many mounting/post holes are used for the badges. While I like a badgeless car I am to cheap to have them filled/painted but still want to remove them when I can. I found a 3M product that works wonders for removing badge gunk. So people are 100% certain there isn't any posts/holes associated with the Persona badge? Again I can't imagine they would have went through the hassle of making more holes for the limited (relatively speaking) number of Personas that are out there but want to be sure.
I can tell you that on a 2013 there are no holes behind the Persona badge but, the Prius & hybrid badges both have two hole each.