Listen, I've heard the advice when trying to limit the communication between your FOB and The Prius that you should put the fob in a Tin Box (Altoids Tin) or wrap it in foil. I've tried this twice, once with a Altoids Tin, and this time with another Tin Box I found. For me? It barely does anything that I can perceive. If it's limiting the communication then it's doing it at a distance that is so great that I don't think it's worth it. It certainly doesn't seem to handicap mine at any distance close to the vehicle. I've read threads where people say they put the fob in a tin and then IN their vehicle. Well the tin ain't cutting it with my Fob and Prius. Communication is UP Captain! If I put mine in the "Tin" and get anywhere near the "normal" communication distance, 3ft or so, The Prius and Fob operate as unhindered. Am I doing something wrong? Or do I have the magic "Super Powerful" Fob and receiver?
I put my spare remote in a tin and inside my dresser drawer back in 2012 My other one sits on a step in the house next to my Kia remote. I haven't heard either car talk to me so sumthin must be up Mike
The Electric Me - You do not have a magic "Super Powerful" Fob. An Altoids Tin Box or similar tin box is a very "leaky" Faraday Cage because the closure interface is not an RF EMI/EMR seal. Wrapping the fob in a few layers of tin foil would serve you better in "Quieting" your fob.
The first layer of foil killed it for me...I tried 3 layers. My battery is not new so may be bad example.
Well thanks, because that's what I seemed to of discovered, and what I wanted to know. I've read threads where people made it sound like putting your fob in a tin box was an "instant" communication silencer, and it did NOT seem to be working like that for me.
A Faraday Cage is made out of steel and should be grounded in order to operate as designed. Many small metallic enclosures are made with metal alloys that resemble steel but are far bad Faraday Cages.
i have also read many posts claiming the alto ids tin worked for them. so i passed that along to a guy who wanted to lock his fob in the car when surfing, and he said it didn't work. i should have mentioned the tinfoil hat.
This I learned the hard way. A metal box might inhibit communication, but the key is that it lets energy take the path of least resistance to GROUND. No ground = mild hindrance at best. Heck it might even act as an antenna.
OK so what I'm saying is the "Tin Box" stops fob communication is a "Myth Busted" scenario. IMO and experience really doesn't work very well.
I'm not sure I understand..... If all you're wanting to do is put a spare fob in your car, why not just take the battery out? You can still use it to unlock and drive away (if you can get to it) it's just a little less convenient. If you're using the tin box for 'tin foil hat' reasons, the same would apply of course.....and if I lived in a high-crime area (I don't) and if wanted to keep ANYTHING in my car when I'm not in it (I don't ---USUALLY) then you just have to do the usual cost/benefit analysis for convenience versus security. The only time this becomes an issue with me is when I'm carrying. I've taken to quickly field-strip my piece and carry just the receiver with me....(the part of the gun that's THE GUN....the rest is just unregulated pieces/parts.) most anti-gun nuts don't know crap about firearms so if they see some funny looking metal doo-hickey in your bag that's not a gun, then they don't sweat it. Mostly? My car is empty, except for the above mentioned, mostly non-valuable and very non-lethal metal bits, and I don't live in a demilitarized I use RF remotes and buy insurance....and I sleep well at night. Aluminum foil crinkles too much when you turn over, and everybody knows that the really good thoughts come in your dreams! YMMV
I have to admit, that I'm guilty of perpetuating this myth by repeating it to other members here on PriusChat without having tried it myself. Now I know better...
I got an idea how to keep the remote from talking to your car; store it in a bucket of salt water Mike