I did not see this issue in another thread but I may have missed it so hope I am not creating duplicate threads. I cannot get one phone connected to show text messages. When I go through the setup process it gets to a screen that asks what service and had phone/engine and audio but you can't choose either one (and not sure which I should choose anyway). It is an lg g3. The other phone that connected fine (without having to make any choice as described above) is also an lg g3. Any help would be appreciated!
Sorry - it doesn't show the whole text message - it pops up and says who it is from and reads it to you (unless you are stopped, then you can read it). But i can't get the one phone hooked up to do anything with messages.
Is it possible that both phones have the same internal name with different numbers? Pretty sure the prius goes by the name.
They show different names on the display and we are able to switch between the phone for audio or phone. Do I don't think this is the issue. But thanks!
At the risk of stating the obvious......... If one phone works and the other one doesn't, the odds are pretty high that the problem is with the PHONE. I suggest stopping at a retail store that services your phone carrier.
Or, since you just bought the car, walk into the dealer and ask the service manager. He'll hate you because every other complaint is about the darn display electronics, not simple mechanical questions like in the old days.