2105 Prius Plug-In. I've paired my iPhone and programmed my home phone into the Speed Dial. I'm at a red light, I hit the speed dial for my home number, I hear the home phone ring and the answering machine pick up. I'm about to use the 0-9 virtual keypad to enter the answering machine's code, so it'll play back my messages, when the light turns green and I start to drive. Now the 0-9 keypad is grayed out, and a message says something like "Use voice-activation while driving." I tried saying the numbers of my answering machine's code out loud, but nothing happened. Is there a way I can use voice controls in lieu of tapping out the numbers on the 0-9 keypad?
I think that there is a voice command to dial a number, but I do not recall what it is. You might try posting this in the GenIII forum. Yes you have a PiP, but this is something that would be common with the GenIII Prius and that will reach a larger audience, where you may get an answer.
I may be way off and misremembering, but maybe during the call press the Voice Response key and then say the numbers? I'm almost positive there is a way to do this once the call is answered. Plan B: use the phone's dial.