When I press auto once it turns ON auto climate control. Why doesn't pressing the Auto button a second time turn AUTO off??
Pressing buttons other than Auto takes manual control. Fan speed, the "where does the air go" button, of course Off if you really want silence. I hate the way this stuff is set up, it makes no sense to me as an Old Person. Minor diversion: is there a way to use the fan without a temperature setting - in other words without ever engaging heat or AC? I really like plain old unadulterated highway air.
^ At least on my Canadian model, if the AC button is not depressed (indicator light on the AC button off) AND the Mode button is not set to heat/defog, AC is off. I've monitored AC usage with my ScanGauge to confirm this. Oh, and you haven't pushed Front Heat/Defog.
Thanks, Mendel! I had been trying to match the temp setting to the outside temp, and I guess I don't have to!
With AC off, have you set temperature to LO? On U.S. market units, LO is the next level below 65F. Unfortunately, this also corresponds to maximum AC when that gets toggled on. So in conditions when I'm occasionally bouncing between light AC use (temp setting 78-80F) and fresh air only without AC, the single toggle of the AC switch must be accompanied by many presses of the temperature setting buttons.
Agreed! i sort of hope that when its 78-80 outside, that when i have the temp set at 70 of so, that it is just blowing in unheated air. In many ways i really love the auto thermostat function, but my ocd side, does tend to push the temp setting to lo when just running the 'vent' [non-auto]
I have noticed when it's in manual mode (AUTO light off) and I have the fan running for outside air that I still have to roll the temperature setting down at least to the outside air temperature reading. Otherwise there will be some heat added. I've also noticed that when I turn on the fan using the fan button the inside temperature setting always comes up on 75 degrees, no matter what the previous settings were when it was used last. That is different from how my Gen II functioned. It would remember what was set last.