Have a rebuilt battery from a questionable source, as I asked about in an earlier thread, so when my wife told me the warning lights/icons came on again I was not particularly surprised- a notch or two beyond frustrated, yes- but not surprised. I was surprised when upon looking at the codes that came back through EngineLInk, I found they were not codes from the battery, but rather from the Inverter-Converter Unit. Have watched a few videos on the ICU, read a couple other threads, but am still uncertain how to proceed. I haven't found a clear and decisive meaning of the returned codes, so am uncertain if further detail is provided there, or if perhaps EngineLink can tell me more that I've not asked it to. I don't know how in depth the dealer would be, or if they will simply want to swap the entire ICU. Anyone have any experience along such lines? Much appreciate any assistance and/or suggestions. Ray~
They would likely follow the procedure outlined in the service manual for the specific codes. Depending on where it takes them, it could involve replacing the unit.
Hey RayW, I'm experiencing the same codes. Could you tell me what you did to resolve your issues or any other information? We've experience shudders while driving, fail safe mode, warning lights...just trying to figure this out! Thanks!
you may need a toyota specific reader with troubleshooting tree. how long years/miles have you had her?