I have a 2014 Prius with 8k miles. I've been noticing a fairly loud metallic "clink" sound only when backing up and applying the brakes. I don't remember hearing this sound earlier on this car, or on my previous 2010 Prius. When I last had it in for maintenance, the service manager said this was a normal sound, something about the calipers. But it sounds to me like something is loose and it's pretty annoying. Is this sound normal?
I also get this sound on my 2010, I believe it's the design of the brakes. It's been like that forever.
welcome! i've never heard anything, is it loud enough for an old deaf guy? why not ask them if you can test drive another to compare?
My new Prius makes a similar sound in reverse but it was not loud or odd enough to make me think anything was wrong. I hope I am not wrong.
Is it a repetitive noise, ie: clink,clink,clink, maybe once per wheel revolution? Or a single clink, per back up event? Just grasping at straws, I've not heard anything like this. My hearing's not that hot, tho.