Hey guys and gals! Today here in TN we had a small heat wave, So I did what any average 18 year old would do on a sunny warm day. I got in my 2005 Toyota Prius and did some MPH vs MPG runs. Three of them actually. *Disclaimers* my car is almost a decade old, it has 242,000 miles, it has Bridgestone ecopia 422s on the rear and Kumho sense kr26 up front, and yes i know.. they technically aren't LRR, they are kind of a hybrid between normal and low rollers. Kumho advertises them for small cars and hybrids. 48 psi front, 44 psi back. 57-60 degrees. all done within 30 mins. no AC Run 1, @70 MPH 4 miles each trip. Trip 1, up. (I'm calling it up because there is slightly more up hill driving on this interstate)Results-42.6 mpg Trip 2, down. Result 48.0 mpg (slightly high due to some cars way ahead of me braking the wind i think) Run 2, @75 MPH Trip 1, up. Result 39.1 MPG Trip 2, down. Result 39.6 Run 3, @ 80 MPH Trip 1, up. Result 36.7 Trip 2, down. Result 36.5. Had to take it off cruise control for a split second because some jerk in his Nissan 370z was sitting in the fast lane and wouldn't get over. Any way, hope you enjoyed this read!
I'll try to do a 65 sometimes, but any slower than that people would be pissed. Most people go 76-86 mph on this road and it's two lanes each way. Even the 18 wheelers go over 70
Check your actual speed with your GPS ? My 2005 377k does same though AC on windows up on Goodyear Integrity Series. Wind speed causes it to fluctuate too <3 iPhone ?
I hope my Prius makes it to 377k! So cool! I've check with my GPS and my speedometer is about 1 mph fast I think. Not 100% sure It's been a while but I know it wasn't very far from the truth
My new tires are faster show lower mpg. My old tires get better mpg. With the same cruise control setting. Keep your synthetic oil clean and drive safe, iPhone ?
Thanks for the info, illustrates how easy it is to up your mpg, by just slowing down. Outa curiosity, what's the speed limit?
My 05 Prius can sustain a speed of 106 mph on level roads for over 100 miles at 38 mpg and 70 degrees cabin temp while outside temp is 102 F. Even then the throttle command was 80% and the engine load was 74%. That my top speed limit what's yours? iPhone ?
all interstates are 70 mph tn. For the most part. Funny thing is driving on a different interstate at 70 mph on the way to work I seem to get right around 50 mpg. I'm running full synthetic 5w30 right now. So in love with this fantastic car it's unhealthy
also, its been in the high 50's and low 60's fahrenheit the last couple of days. i filled up yesterday afternoon and today after 125 miles I've averaged 52.7! some city, mostly highway, and some back roads. Prii love warm weather. So does Aaron! Lol
i have collected ~21000 data points (point every 2 sec for a total of ~12 H of driving) using L/100Km is useless it has no info in it top speed (4 data point) is 108 KPH 67 MPH wat I think are 4 lines can be sean on the graf BLACK- acceleration RED- constant speed drive LITHE GREEN-glide part of the pulse and glide (was more distinct wen i only had ~10K points) GREEN- brake or costing down the speed
------------------------------------------- How do you get the throttle command and engine load figures? Just bought an '04 and have no owners manual. thx
Update! I drive on a different interstate then the one my tests were on. If I go 70 mph I get 48-51 mpg. Odd because it is hilly-er!