I'm a new member and one-week owner of a 2015 v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon), which we love … exclamation point. I'm sure this has been discussed but I can't see a search feature here, so pardon my asking again if there is any way to disable the very annoying beep beep beep when using reverse. Owner's manual says nothing.
It's in the section called "Vehicle Customization". In the 2015 manual, I believe that's section 9.2.
Yup, it is in section 9.2, but the change has to be done by the dealer, as Kurt suggested. And apparently I can also have them stop the moonroof shades from closing every time the car is turned off.
You can also change it yourself with an OBDII programmer, but so few folks have one around the house. (I may be too geeky, I have two)
I just looked on eBay for OBDIIs and scangauges and they run from $15 to well over $150. What does one really need, and is it total folly for someone who's never used one of these to attempt to mess with a new car? I could take it to the dealer, but this might be more satisfying.
As to changing the beep, it takes 10 seconds for the dealer to do it while in the shop for your next oil change. I have an OBDII code reader. On modern cars, the engine/emissions codes are pretty standard and a generic code reader can handle them (read/reset) just fine but there are many proprietary codes for things like the transmission, airbags, security and the like that they may not cover. Doubt they would know about hybrid ones too. Owned it for 7 years, it helped me once (tired O2 sensor). I bought in at the $70 level, FWIW.
I had the dealer change it when I first bought the Prius v, but for some reason it took a bit of work convincing them they could actually do it. The second Prius I bought recently (different dealer) I asked and they said they would look into it, but when I got the car it wasn't changed, so I just used my Scangauge II to change it in under 5 minutes. I have the scangauge II, which is about $150 on Amazon. If you only use it to change the beeping then the cheap one may work just fine. But I use my scangauge every day, its really nice to have a tachometer, as well as getting the SOC (state of charge) of the battery to see what percentage it's at. It runs from about 40% low to 60% high. If it gets below 40% it kicks on the engine to recharge back above 50% and you see you mpg drop, so if you can hit the gas every once in awhile to stay above 40 it can actual save your mpg (this usually happens when sitting in traffic). I also measure my engine temp since I lower grill block during the winter and really don't want it to overheat (though this has never been a problem for me). Then there is a multitude of different gauges you can program in for a lot of other things if you're interested. Now you can also get an App for your phone such a Torque which is much cheaper than the $150 and can give you some similiar info, but for me having something always in the car that I don't have to think of plugging in and turning on is a huge advantage. Though I'll admit the Torque app does look much prettier. Either way it all depends on what you really want to do with it and how much that is worth to you. But welcome and enjoy your new v!