My Prius left the body shop some odd 5 months ago. Whenever I step into the vehicle I still detect the odor of the bonding agents they used to repair the body panels. I've vacuumed and wiped away almost all dust left over from the sanding process - but it still smells. I've tried airing it out a few times during sunny days but I still detect it whenever I sit in the car. My wife and dog don't seem to notice it much. But, it bugs the hell out of me and I often end up coughing as I have a somewhat touchy respiratory system. Question: * Does Bondo, or body filler smell ever go away? * Is there something I can do other than meticulously vacuum to alleviate stink. I can't stick those little green trees in there because they gag me good. Cheers, Cape Ann - Mr. Touchy Lungs
You know,- I absolutely don't know. But if you're still detecting it, and it's still bothering you after 5 months and vacuuming and airing out the vehicle my concern would be that whatever they used is going to remain at some level, for some time more, perhaps forever. And even if it lessens, it's going to become like Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" for you. Every time you get in the car, even if nobody else can smell will. Normally I would recommend taking it to a high end detailer and perhaps letting them clean the interior, but if you are sensitive to cleaners and chemicals that might even make the problem worse. I suppose the minimum would be you yourself cleaning the interior as best you can, using soaps and cleaners you know are OK with your Touchy Lungs and with your sense of smell. And of course, just the passage of continued time. Maybe, the chemicals in the adhesives will dissipate? Again I really don't know. Good Luck, because I've heard stranger stories than something like this becoming intolerable, resulting in a "different car" -buying experience.
Thanks Electric Me and Bisco. I will have to go back to the body facility in Beverly Ma and see if they can assist me. One of the aspects which is a factor is that I am traveling a lot for business and sometimes never get to drive the thing and air it out over extended periods of time. And yes EM, the Bondo odor bit has made Prius driving less fun. But not yet E. Poe like dread. I made a long trip on the Prius when it was brand-spanking new and other than new car smell - it was a most pleasurable experience. Now, it's something along the lines of slightly irritating. Thanks! Cape Ann
Pro's? Experts? Who needs those when you have the vast wealth of knowledge of anonymous internet speculation? My fear is that if the offending odor is coming from some chemical combination used in the body shop panel repair, nothing but perhaps time will dissipate it permanently. But hope springs eternal...and little to lose in trying any resolution suggestion.