I was asked to use this product by one of the technicians on my Prius. I just wanted to know whether anyone used it in this forum and got positive results. Wurth - Injector Cleaner - 300ml Oils, Fluids & Additives WURTH - Sealants, Additives & Accessories
Thanks for the response. Unfortunately Berryman products are not available in my country. We have the Wurth and BG (BG 44K® Fuel System Cleaner | BG Products, Inc.)
From what I see, that gets a good rating, but it's pricey. Being in Sri Lanka, I suppose it's all pricey. Doesn't Amazon ship? Fuel System Cleaner Reviews | Best Fuel Injector Cleaner lists 2015 BG 44K Fuel System Cleaner Review - 2015
As far as documented "PriusChat Experiments" go, PC member astrolink had a very rough-running car that was cured with off-car restored injectors, but had not been cured by his earlier attempts with an injector cleaner fuel-tank additive. The test results for his original injectors before and after restoration are here. They clearly show the injectors were in bad condition as removed from the car, even after the attempts with the fuel-tank additive. I don't think he said what additive he tried, probably not the same one you've asked about. An article in Import Tuner seemed to reach the same conclusion: in-tank additives might not be up to the job, at least if the injectors are already bad enough to be a problem. (I guess that doesn't rule out that they might help keep the injectors from getting that way in the first place, but doesn't prove it either.) The off-car process seems to bring them back to spec with no problem. What that doesn't address is the chance that the tank additives also clean other areas like the valves and combustion chambers, which of course the off-car process can't do because it's off the car. So from what we've seen so far, it might be safe to say the tank additives don't seem to do harm, may possibly do some amount of preventive good, but might be too little too late if the injectors are already thought to be bad. -Chap