To steal the term from Bookrats, it's time to.... [marq=up:769c24c4c7]P The Points! to whoever you think was the PC member of the week! Did someone help you out on a specific question or problem, or just provide you with some humor to get through the day? Well, then POTP!!! My vote goes to Brosnan for finding a solution to the Bluetooth usage while driving problem that's been ailing Evan for oh so long! Here come my points, Brosnan!
I'm giving all my points this week to Vernon. Very helpful! Next week, though, I think I'll split them between Aaron and Manny, for their ongoing contributions to the Aaron and Manny Amazing Salsa Race (and Toenail Removal) Show
hehe...thanks. but the race is apparently almost over. i fly to WV tomorrow to pick up my salsa... with boots on, of course
My vote goes to Evan, who manages to post thoughtful responses on just about everything, raise a family, and (in his spare time) oversee an emergency room. Where do you find the time?
I'd vote for everyone who was so helpful during my recent car crisis, but special thanks to Evan for all his help! Jill
Thank you, Bookrats, for your vote of confidence. Glad you found the photos useful. I borrowed a camera from my office manager who just happened to have it with her as well as the necessary software, so I could stroll over to the parking lot and use it immediately. P.S. This is an excellent forum.
i think the cliffhanger will be manny driving up to the dealer while i'm finishing up the deal, guns and toenail pliers at the ready...
New Week! New Slugload of Points to Deserving Individuals! Well, to start a new week, and continue the tradition: I recommend giving all our points this week to Tempus.
As the Author of the mysterious Brake/ABS thread I have to vote for mdacmeis. And I've got 50 points to burn :clap: :clap: :multi: