I had a WWII BMW with a sidecar when I was a soldier back in the day... used the mg mount as a flag holder... I stopped riding bikes in 77 when I was chased off the road for the fourth time... the Texas driver was passing a car going around a blind curve at Belton lake... I chose the ditch instead of a head-on... I ended up with a broken collar bone and a concussion that lasted for weeks. Now that I am older... I still love the feel of wind in my face and an open ride... well... and I don't have a woman to tell me I don't need one. So I am looking for a ride that will mostly sit in my garage, except for when I go to the lake, or ride with some of the locals for a few charity functions... I've never owned a Harley... my brother never owned anything else. My other brother rides a Goldwing... My last two bike rides were Yamahas... an H2 (the baddest bike on earth) which I sold after 7 weeks because it didn't corner that well... and and RD350 (Which I bought after my BMW was trashed)... Do any of y'all have a sidecar... just asking.
My riding club is full of "old farts". There are MANY Goldwing trikes and a couple of Harley trikes and a Spyder and a Sling Shot. Unless you have a dog that wants to ride in the side car, I think they are more of a novelty than really useful.
Side cars rob the bike of all the dynamics that make riding on two wheels enjoyable. Not to mention, I would recommend taking a rider safety course specifically for bikes with a side car. They can be downright deadly if you're not prepared for dealing with one. Good luck.