Hey prius chat, Im a new member to your forums, and I come to you in need. in my mom's prius V, on the front passenger seat, under where you put your legs, the plastic panel is like coming off, and when i am sitting in it, i can feel the panel hitting my feet. I don't know exactly how to put the panel back together, if anybody knows what I am exactly talking about, please drop a comment for me! Also, Whenever I drive her Prius around I am always tempted to put it into reverse when I am driving around normally. I know I won't do it, but I just feel temped too. What would happen if somebody actually put it into reverse while I am driving at high speeds? would it just not allow the car to switch gears or whatever? I was going like 3mph and switched into reverse once, car just slowed to a stop. Thanks!
There might be a clip that came off, stick your head under there and see where that plastic panel would sit properly and see how it can be secured. If you have the OCD in which you need to shove it in reverse while you're driving it.....it's best you stay in the passenger seat.
David, as you have discovered, shifting into REVERSE while moving puts you in NEUTRAL. Shifting into NEUTRAL and DRIVE while the car is moving won't cause any damage. This is a good procedure to practice should you have an emergency. Are you referring to the lower glovebox door or (more likely) the panel below? It sounds like someone had trouble removing & replacing the lower glovebox when changing the cabin air filter and that lower panel has popped out of place. I know this from personal experience. The best I have been able to do is to use a twist tie to hold that bottom panel up close to where it is supposed to be. It may not be the best solution in the world but it beats tearing the dash apart just to reassemble it. Just curious, does her V have NAV or the Advanced Tech package? Welcome to the site.
The Prius saved you from your own impulses. But don't experiment with "what might happen" with your mothers car. Infact, The Prius is better than most, but throwing a vehicle suddenly in reverse is NEVER a good idea.
The clip that holds the right front kick panel to the metal stud is #90467-06193-C0. Toyota Parts - Camelback Toyota Parts - Genuine OEM Parts - Free Shipping
I know i'll never actually do it, but its just always a thought that always passes through my head. It isn't actually the prius V, its the normal Prius 5, so like with the 17 inch wheels. and it has the Nav, but I do not believe it has all those radars… although I do not know how i would check that. Thank you VERY much.