squeek at low speeds after braking

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by Hybrid RR, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Hybrid RR

    Hybrid RR Junior Member

    Feb 16, 2011
    The Netherlands
    2005 Prius
    Last year my Prius from 2005 gave a squeeking sound coming from the left front wheel. This happened each time after I braked and stopped the car and I released the brake pedal and started driving again. As my speed increased, so did the frequency of the squeek, untill about 20 mph and then it was not hearable anymore. The dealer then replaced the front brake discs and blocks (at 60.000 miles), after this the sound was gone. But now, 6000 miles later, exactly the same squeek has returned.

    It is almost as if the brake claw does not release completely after braking and it kind of keeps touches the brake disc while moving. It is almost like the sound of an old bicycle with a crooked wheel, it is especially hearable from outside the car at low speed driving.

    Does anyone know what to do about this?
  2. Bernt Fartens

    Bernt Fartens New Member

    Apr 13, 2015
    San gabriel vally LA county
    2008 Prius
    Same squeeling from front (thought it was right but ended up left) Wheel.
    a DIY-er myself, last week changed front struts & saved $$. This week was majorly bumbed thinking I had to pay a front end mechanic to correct my installation. Well after raising the front of the car and turning and spining the wheels. No sound or indications of loose strut bolts.. So after reading here about break shield with something stuck in it I checked it out and Halalulla!! a partial rived fell out. Told my wife about it and she said; oh buy the way a few days ago I ran over parts of a jack on the freeway :/
    Just behind the rooter is the shield. you can reach it by removing the hub cap outer ring. if you strum it from several places it should sound like guitar-ish, if not there is something stuck between it and the rooter or maybe its bent against the rooter. BTW mine only squeeked at very low speed and when turning