There's a public FM radio station in our area that has a great music feed on its HD-2 channel. Unfortunately it doesn't appear to me that the JBL radio system that came with my 2011 Prius is HD-capable. I don't want to put in a new head unit, so I'm wondering if there are other options. For example, I know that the station broadcasts this feed on the Internet, and I can easily get it on my iPhone. If I plugged my iPhone into the USB port in the center well, is there any way to route that to the car's audio system? I've used an iPod and memory sticks with the Prius' USB port, but never an iPhone streaming a live feed. Or is there somewhere I can plug the audio from the iPhone's headphone jack into an audio-in in the Prius system? Or any other ways to do this? Thanks in advance.
Update: I plugged my iPhone in to the USB port in the car's center well, and found I could indeed stream from the radio station's web-based feed (or, for that matter, from iTunes) into the car's audio system. So I think my question is solved. I'd be interested to know, however, if there are other ways that people have found to do things like this.
I found that it is not necessary to plug a phone into the 3.5 mm AUX port (not USB) in the center console to play my phone's audio via Bluetooth. This is a good video illustrating how to do it That video links to an eBay page where you can buy the few bits of hardware for $35. I purchased them elsewhere for less than $11.