I'm buying a 2004 Prius this week and am wondering how aftermarket screens/infotainment devices work with the Prius. I know that the AC and efficiency info etc are displayed on the built in screen - do Pioneer CarPlay devices bring in those features or will I be stuck with the original dash that comes with the Prius? Anyone have experience with Pioneer in a 2004 Prius and what models work best? Screen size may need to match current size not sure? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
I think I answered my own questions - so in these upgrades you are never touching the original screen - instead you are replacing the CD/tape and all of the stuff down below. Looks like AppRadio 4 will be what I try to install when that releases.
Hi Tim, I see in other threads and your demo video that you went with the Pioneer AVH-4000NEX instead of the AppRadio 4. I'm trying to decide between those two now for my 2005 Prius. What made you choose the AVH-4000NEX over the AppRadio 4? I see the 4000 has a bigger screen, but the AppRadio 4 has a capacitive touch screen and should be more responsive. Similar price points, so I guess it just comes down to which one works better. Thanks!
For me it was about availability - the AppRadio 4 wasn't out yet - the AVH will do non-CarPlay things that I sometimes use as well.
Anyone here have the AppRadio installed in their Gen II yet? I'm considering getting something. Tired of having to plug in my phone every time I'm in the car to play music and would be nice to have a better hands free calling experience as well.