Can any other 2006 Prius owners verify for me that the long, dark plastic through which the MPH, transmission setting, Seat Belt alerts, etc. all show (just below the windshield) isn't supposed to be one piece? About the only tiny thing I haven't been liking about my Prius is what I was thinking is a design feature that doesn't really look very good - a verticle etched or painted line right in the middle of that plastic display cover - but on closer inspection I find that it's either a very straight crack, or (more likely) that display plastic is actually supposed to be two pieces with that split right in the middle. Can others check if that plastic is all one piece or split. And if split, is it very visible for you at the split? Thanks! Rich Apple P.S. Previous years are probably the same, but, uh, I guess I wouldn't know!
I have a 2006 Prius and I can verify that the black plastis is two pieces. You can't really tell that the vertical line is there unless it is sunny/bright out, which is when all the darn fingerprints on the dark plastic interior areas show up as well :angry:
Hmmmm... Sounds like mine just isn't seated so well. The split is very visible all the time. Seamless at the top but from 1/3 fromt the top down to the bottom, very visible. Doesn't mess with the sound of the cd player, though, so that's good! Chuckle... Rich