Took our Prius on 1300 mile trip from Double oak , Tx to Erie, Pa. Northern route thru Ok,Mo,Il,In Oh,Pa. We took 3 days, 8 hrs first and second and five on third day. I drove 75 and 80 mph the whole way except during the severe storms( Heavy rain,hail,Strong winds ) for about 100 miles. We averaged 47 MPG using cruise control the whole trip. At times we got 51mpg and other times 46mpg. Very comfortable ride for both of us (no sore backs) and I'm 72 the wife 68. Car handled very well even during storms. Yokohama tires very good on wet roads but very noisy on some newer concrete roads. Very quiet on asphalt and older concrete roads. We really like this car for road trips. Much better than our previous Honda CRV.
Is that manually computed mileage or the displayed mileage? Either way, I think the Prius is a great road trip car and the hatchback makes loading/unloading a snap. We've got 2 road trips (7,300 and 5,700 miles) under our belts and 2 more to go next month and again in July.
your yoga Hama tires are particularly the best tires for the car you might want to look into Michelin energy savers other than that glad you had a great trip and the car perform just as well as every one of ours the car is so mechanically sound I love it sorry about the predictivettex ssupposed to say Yokohama tires and that they are not the preferable tire on the Prius at least not for me everybody has their own opinions I'm giving you mine again glad you had a good trip
That was displayed mileage. Manualy computed is about 1.5mpg less than display. I will be looking at the Michelins in the future.
I'll be taking a road trip next week from Cleveland, Ohio to Dallas, tx and back. Hoping for good results.
we got 46mpg driving 75 to 80+ mph mostly in cruise control. The rest of the time I drove it like I would any other car in ECO mode. We did drive thru a couple of severe storms with high winds and heavy rain. That probably cut our mileage down a bit. All in all we thought it was a very comfortable good handling car for a road trip. Its not a Caddy or a BMW so don't expect it to handle or ride like one. We loved it !! Hope you have a safe and good trip.
The Prius fuel efficiency really shines when it is driven longer than 60 minutes ( even in the cold). The Prius' aerodynamic design gives it an edge at speeds over 60 mph and the Prius' Atkinson cycle engine's fuel efficiency is nearly the equivalent to a diesel engine efficiency while still using less expensive gasoline as a fuel source. However - At speeds over 75 mph for road trips over 60 minutes - the real world fuel efficiency of newer, larger, and more expensive hybrid sedans like the Honda Accord Hybrid are now coming closer and closer. Sedan designs in general are quieter but have less functional usable cargo space as Hatchbacks. At speeds over 65 mph - fuel efficiency centers around - tuning the ICE hp to curb weight ratio, lowering the aerodynamic drag, tweaking the ICE, and extending the ice to transmission gear ratios.
Over 17,000 miles and 50 fill-ups, my computed mileage has varied from a low of 1.6% (0.7 mpg) to a whopping 11.1% (4.6 mpg) vs the displayed mileage, most often it's 5%-7%. Even my local station has varied from 4.6% o 6.7%, though I don't always use the same pump. I fill up the same away at every station, low speed until it clicks off. Therefore, I don't put a lot of faith in the display other than as an indicator of how I'm doing at the moment. I fill up at different intervals, but have gone past the 0 MTE and flashing display, though I won't push it too far because it would be just my luck that the display is off by 10%. So far, my worst mileage (36.3) has come between Ft Stockton and Houston TX last February. I assume the 80 mph speed limit, cold temps and winds played a role. The display difference for that stretch was over 8%. Because of the unusually cold temps, I only managed 43.9 (Cons 46.3) for the whole trip; Phoenix to Cocoa Beach via I-10 and then Savannah back to Phoenix via I-40. I let the Prius decide modes and just drive the car. I use cruise control, but we carry quite a bit of cargo. We're going back next month, taking I-40 out and I-10 back, so I'll be able to see if there'll be any difference because it will undoubtedly be warmer. We didn't see 50 degrees until the day after we got to Cocoa Beach the last time.
My wife ended up wanting to come with me on the trip, which meant the Prius stayed home and we took a flight.