I was very surprised - no, stunned - when an Entune update added a Slacker Radio app to our 2012 Prius v Five/ATP this evening. I had given up on Toyota's stated commitment to add apps when Entune was originally introduced. The update took about five minutes. I assume that it was done through my Android phone connected to our home wireless network. I already had a Slacker account so it took only a few seconds to link it on the Entune website. I had to restart Entune on my Android phone before Slacker would work on the Prius head unit. The Entune Slacker interface seems good but it will take me a while to evaluate it since I don't usually drive the Prius. My Slacker channels and song history now show on the Entune screen. Anyway ... I am very surprised that Toyota finally came through on its promise to add apps to the original Entune. Who knows .. maybe we will get Yelp and Facebook next?
Waze is wonderful...But you are probably correct. We are a long long waze before Toyota gets a clue about Navigation!