Hi all, I bought myself a used (out of state) 2012 Prius plug in. CA requires the front license plates, the car's old state did not. I bought a license plate bracket off fleaBay, but I am not that mechanically inclined that I can install it. The dealer quoted $50 to get it installed saying it takes about 30 minutes. $50 just to install brackets? How do they come up with these "time required to complete an auto work" estimate? Do they take an untrained auto mechanic to do the job and set the charges based on how long it takes him/her? Looks like the auto industry charges the rates based on an highly specialized mechanic, but measures the time required using a chimpanzee. Anyways, wondering if anybody has installed the brackets using auto-shops, will appreciate names of some good body shop in the bay area, that could do it for a reasonable price.
Time to start learning. Just screw the two sheet metal screws into the two "dimpled" spots in the plastic bumper cover. The aluminum bumper reinforcement underneath is drilled to take them. You need a 10mm socket with a ratchet. Some kind person at Autozone, Kragens. or any auto parts store will do it for you. I'd pass him or her a few bucks to buy lunch.
Something like that. TSB says you need to drill two relief holes for the bolts that hold the actual plates, and then you directly install the self tapping screws to mount the bracket itself. Looks simple, but like I said, I am not that mechanically inclined, at least not when I am still baby'ing the new purchase.
You can either drill or "punch the holes with a hammer and a large nail. The plastic cover is very soft. They are M6 screws. If drilling, a 1/4 inch bit is what you need. If you live in an apartment, your handyman can do it for you. Just past him or her $10 for lunch. If I was a handyman, I'd be happy to get lunch for a 10 minute job.
You can't really screw it up as the license mount will cover any area that you've drilled. No need to baby it