Hello Forum members, I was having a issue and already sent a ticket to TRS, but would also like your opinion on my problem. I followed a Prius member guide for a install of Morimoto Kit for a Prius (not C) ( http://priuschat.com/threads/the-ret.../#post-2128243 ). But there is a catch! My Prius C does not have a positive battery terminal... In the front of the car the most it has is positive connection but in a shape of a flat vertical thin metal allowing for clamping (aka jump start) no bolt or connection possible and looks like this I . So my issue is that the current relay harness would not work. Or reach since my actually battery which is under the rear passenger seat. Moving on I decided to install it without the RELAY and to my findings I could not find how to power the lights. Then I figured I needed power from the car output to the ballast input. So I looked at the RELAY and found a headlight socket adapter on the relay but only found 1. So I looked around and found a old pair but these were longer and less thick(gauge?). So at a startup one side would only work.. so I swapped ballast… then wires… then bulb leading me to finding out the one with the Morimoto headlight socket adapter only working. So I switched it back and forth between the two and one works with only Morimoto brand adapter installed.. How I determined this was I swapped out this wire only and one side will work while the other does not. UNLESS like I read from somewhere that it might be just the car not putting out enough power for both ballast?? Which doesn't make sense since both sides of lights work when swapping this wire.. I COULD BE WRONG feel free to inform/correct me. TLDR: Installed kit. Realize HD relay wouldn’t work. Installed without relay to found out I needed power from the car output to ballast (adapter connection?). Which I later found one connected to the relay. Used that and a old pair adapter to find out only one side works. Switching only the Adapter wire both sides work but not at same time. I think its cause the gauge is thicker in the Morimoto and shorter allowing it to handle the wattage for my kit. So I wanted to ask you for your suggestions. Since I am running a 55W kit what do you suggest? Do I need Canbus? Will ordering another adapter solve my problem? How should I go about fixing this issue. Update:Soo.. I decided to go grab some grocery and realized it was getting dark. So I went ahead and drove with 1 bulb working but then otw home I realized both of them were working due to extra brightness. I called my gf out to confirm that both were working. Anyone every experience this? And when I got home.. I ate dinner and then tried to turn it on again same issued still persist. This is the adapter I am referring to
I have a 2013 c1 also with 55w kit but I am using DDM ballasts and Blulbs from Moriomoto. I am running my kit without any relay harness but, to install a relay harness in the c, you can simply just a fuse tap in the fuse box. Or if you have a little more skill, you can look at the fuse box and will see that there is a main positive wire coming into the fuse box. The wire is held with a nut, so if you loosen that nut, then you can slide the relay harness connection under the nut. I am not running a relay harness but my 55w HIDs still turn on at the same time no matter the condition. So Im not sure what the reason is that your bulbs did not turn on together but, it can be that the DDM kit is just lower quality and doesnt really take the true 55w where as the Moriomoto Kit is much better quality and might need the extra juice of the relay harness.
Thanks kingnba6 for your input! I will take a look into this wire and issue! If anyone has this issue let me know please!
I am running nothing extra. Just using the stock headlight plug connected to the ballast. There is no canbus need in the C.
Ok so I ordered the part which should solve my problem.. Now my only problem is I am worried about possible damage to the stock halogen projecter due to the 55w. I wonder if anyone has had this happen to their Prius? Have you realized any decrease in lighting king? and how often/long do you drive at night. Thanks!
I drive at night a lot. At least 30-40 hours a month of night driving with the lights on. I have not seen any decreased lighting yet but I most likely will never see the difference since the decline in power will happen over a steady decline. I do however plan to upgrade to the DDM 55w ballasts to the more efficient and newly designed Moriomoto 35w ballasts. If in that time the 55w power ruins the stock projectors, I will change the projectors for some better upgraded projectors.