You know it's spring when: EV range starts to tick up from a wintertime low of 10.1 to 10.5 and counting, with ambient temp of 65-70.
The ride is getting bumpy due to 40 degree increase. That means I need to let 4 psi out of the tires.
I picked up my Prius Plug-in just last week, my first. I work 16.5 km from home. The very first day I tried to make the trip home on EV in my new old Plug-in, I managed to do it successfully with zero gas use. It just so happened to have warmed up enough that day, to I believe 8C. I guess the EV gods were watching that day.
I'm back to 13.4, it should get close to 14 before much longer. Doesn't mean I actually GET that much - most often I get MORE!!! (But not without a little boost in the middle - either from an extended downhill or an ICE chargeup - or both) Of course, March down here in the far southwest corner was the warmest month (average temp) since records started being kept (1874). Not a great omen for the summer…