Hello all. I have noticed on my 2015 Prius v four that when the vehicle is moving, I am unable to type or use many parts of the Navigation screen (such as inputting an address for GPS, etc.). I am sure its a "safety" feature, but it is very annoying. I usually have the passenger put an address in when I'm driving, but I can't - I have to completely stop the car to type anything in. Is there any possible way to disable this?
Check out "Navigation Speed Lock" in Prius v Accessories above. It is a fair amount of disassembly in the interior and wiring.
Thanks. I had no idea about this "feature" before I bought the car. Its very annoying. I just looked into that Navigation Speed Lock kit you recommended - too much trouble. I guess I'll just have to bust out my Garmin if I want to use a GPS. How unfortunate.
The voice commands work for me on my 2012 v. I use voice navigation with success but had to learn a few things first: 1. The command has to be exact although there are multiple options to use 2. The fan speed on high or next to high can mask proper recognition 3. Speak faster, it does not like slow commands Start by pressing the voice button on the the steering wheel and wait for the beep. Example: Destination 11305 Alamo St. San Antonio Texas (no zip code necessary) There will be a pause (perhaps longer than expected), then it will say "Texas" followed by a pause. Sometimes the street will produce "multiple entries" which display on a numbered list. You glance at the list and say which one (by list number). Usually it's number "1". If it gets the street without question, it will usually read back the house number. Long house numbers like 11305 should be initially spoken as "one, one, three, oh, five" quickly. Saying "eleven three oh five" or "eleven thousand three oh five" will often fail and force a repeat of that portion. The system may display three routes options such as "fast, ecological, short" however you can just say "start" and it will start mapping. Unfortunately there does not seem to be voice commands for common requirements like "stop guidance or zoom" but you can bring up the map with "show map". In this case just wait and the confirm screen dismisses automatically. Setup "Favorites" whenever possible as they are easier and quicker to use. A favorite setup as your home address allows you to leave anywhere for home by simply commanding "Favorite Home". If you get lost "Favorite Home" gets you to familar territory pretty quick even if it's not really where you want to go next. Similarly you can save any location once you get there as a favorite for later voice command. You can also find the location on the map and save. You can override a current route by commanding a new destination or favorite. It will go through the same steps and will route to the new location, replacing the old. The best reason to master the voice commands is that you can use them while you are moving when manual methods are not available.
I have had the voice recognition commands trigger inadvertently, teeing up a phone call for example, but never intentionally..