Don't be fooled by avatars. If there's anything I've noticed about the people that have been buying the C for the past few years it's that for a lot of them this is one of their first new cars, if not THE first new car. They haven't broken in a new car, don't know what to expect if anything out of the ordinary happens, and often don't even know what happens IN the ordinary. I'm not knocking them...we've all been there. I still cringe at some of the automotive things I'm guilty of. But it's no longer my first rodeo, and sometimes I'm not wrong. Perhaps my avatar is no longer relevant. Perhaps:
That's something that Hank would say! Keep your avatar! Remember, the more you know, the more that you realize that you don't know.
My one disappointment with the car is the slightly poor ergonomics. They got the engineering right, but screwed-up with the seat, the range of adjustment of the steering wheel etc.. Such a pity. I have a lumbar cushion and I've also tried sitting on a wedge cushion. If you can raise your hips relative to your knees, it is a great help! Searcjh on Amazon for "wedge car cushion" (I can't seem to save a link)
Cruise control can modulate the throttle much better than the us meat machines can. This saves gas and is definitely less tiring. As someone suggested up thread, you can move around in the sea more as well. I'll never have a car without cruise control. I'm always amazed by how many people I see on the highway who obviously don't use CC. I can't understand why. Consider me a cruise control evangalist. (LOL)