Hey Guys, I'm on my second fill up since I purchased this awesome piece of gas saving technology. My first tank said I was getting 48mpg on the MFD but fuelly calculated 46.32, my second tank said I got 50mpg on the MFD but fuelly calculated 47.97. Is this normal for there to be such a big difference in mpg between the two, do you guys have the same results with the MFD overestimating mpg? On a side note, a day ago I noticed my MPG was stuck at 100mpg on the energy monitor even though the car was at a complete stop. I had to restart the system to get it functioning again, do you think this could be a bug in the system? I called the dealership about it and they want me to take it in. A link to my fuelly: SippnOnsomeGassurp (Toyota Prius C) | Fuelly
Oh hey Bisco, by the way that fan noise I was hearing turned out to be a bad bearing in the fan motor. The dealership replaced the radiator fan assembly. I did some research on the MPG getting stuck at 100mpg, found this: Prior reports on various Prius boards have noted other Classic Prius' Newarkitis symptoms: no charge on the battery icon, no arrow flows on the Energy Monitor, a "stuck" Consumption screen showing many consecutive 100MPG (or 0 l/100km) segments even with the engine running at idle... It will occur randomly at first, but will get progressively worse. It's only covered for the basic 3 year/36,000 mile warranty, so be careful if you're going past on mileage as it could be very expensive... Car is fully driveable, but it's mostly an annoyance. A reboot may temporarily fix the problem. Problem has been reported on US, Canadian, and Australian Prius so far that I've noted, I don't recall one way or the other on the European/UK lists. Just my luck, lol.
While I can't speak to the 'c' specifically, this overestimate is normal for GenIII Liftbacks. I know of no reason why the 'c' would necessarily be different. The GenIIs were generally closer to reality.
Have you guys noticed that even when using gas/electric(energy monitor will show gas and electric being used) the energy monitor will show 100mpg at times or could this be unique to my situation?
No, not in my Liftback. But we don't drive a 'c'. This part of the display is sufficiently different from the Liftback that I wouldn't draw definitive conclusions across model lines.
I'd read the c's and v's mpg display was at least CLOSER to reality, only about 3~4% off (guess which way ). Our 3rd gen hatchback's off by 7.5%, over 50,000 kms calculated.
An mpg overestimate of 1.5-2.5 mpg (~4% at 50 mpg) seems about normal. That's what I get, and many have reported similar. SO's '12 Hyundai Accent hatchback overestimates by about 2-4 mpg (7.5% at 40 mpg).
Doesn't it show 100mpg when you start off in electric mode and the gas engine hasn't come on yet? Technically in that situation it's "infinite miles per gallon", but I believe they limit the display to a maximum of 100. I'm in Canada, and when I start out it shows "0.0 l/100km" (litres per 100km, the way fuel economy is measured here) until the gas engine comes on and some fuel is actually consumed.
In this picture I'm on a pretty flat road using the GAS engine and the ELECTRIC yet somehow it says 100mpg, it stays like this for some time unless give it more gas
it's probably spinning the ice without using gas. keep in mind, there's a 3 second delay between reality, and what you see on the screen.
I figured there was a delay yet when I switch the energy monitor over after a few minutes of the 100mpg it still show the gas/electric being used. I'll take a video later on in the week.
Would something like this work? Edit: NVM it wont let me link something to amazon. It's a bluetooth OBD reader
i don't know. maybe someone else will. i know scan gauge works, and some phone apps. i don't have one.
ScanGauge will also report no gas usage, with engine turning over. The engine HAS to run, above some speed. On 3rd gen hatch it's around 74 kmh it kicks in.