Illegal modification of the tail light. Makes your brake and marker lights less visible. Done for the sake of "Looks cool"?. Thanks, I would rather not drive behind a car like this on a sunny day. Or on rainy night. - Alex
Yea, I go to work in the dark at 5 am and at least twice a week I run up on some moron with smoked tails doing 50 in the fast lane and can't see them until the last minute. Endangers MY life and scares the sh!t out of me, if I ever rear end some idiot with smoked tails I'm hiring a lawyer and suing them back to the stone age. Not their insurance company, them personally, for illegally endangering my life. They'll be living in their mothers basement watching a 14" tube TV and eating peanut butter sandwiches till their 60!
not sure if that was directed at the modders here, but these are not even that dark. Post #3 pretty much describes it perfectly when done correctly. I think the ones you are referring to are the ones that are pitch black like this. And yes, I hate them too. But if the normal lights are visible and brake lights extremely visible, I dont see the problem. And there are far worse dangers on the road then smoked taillights. Just drive safe and responsibly and you'll quickly see the true drivers to watch out for. and again... to each his own.
We did trials prior to tinting my taillights I made sure it wasn't too dark that my taillights and brakelights can be seen. I'll post a night and daytime picture later tonight
There are oem taillights from other car manufacturers than are dark compared to the Prius oem tailights. If done correctly, a slight smoke tint on the Prius taillights will not lessen the visibility of the lights enough where the driver behind you will be in danger. If you can't see these, you are either tooooo old to be driving or you really need to get some glasses. I personally think the prius taillights are too flashy and that's why I had mine slightly smoked.
At a tint shop. They used a special film for exterior lens. I went for the lightest smoke film they had.
Try aftermarket taillight assembly. Brightness won't be compromised even if it's smoked tails. My new tails