I just replaced my 12V battery and now the car won't start. It will take a jump and show "ready" on the dash but as soon as the car is turned off, it won't start again - no lights, nothing. Any ideas. I checked some fuses and they looked fine.
either you popped fuse(s), hooked something up wrong (or didn't hook it up), or the new battery is junk. go back and recheck your work. make sure all connections are tight. check the fuses and check the voltage at the battery.
Is the polarity of the battery the same as the one you removed? Meaning is the plus post on the same side and hooked to the same cable? In installing, did you disconnect the cable from a ground to the chassis of the car?
When I had to change out my 12v battery (not being mechanically inclined at all) Toyota dealer charged me $290. I thought that was high, however, it was done right and any problems I just take it back to them. I guess peace of mind in that respect. One of the tip offs that my 12v battery was going bad was that I had to reset my digital clock 3-4 times because it would not keep the correct time. After that it has been perfect since the new 12v.
But it WORKS when jumped to another battery. That rules out fuses and installed with the wrong polarity. Either......the connections are not good OR the new battery is dead, because it's defective or not charged.
Were did you get the battery. Is it a Toyota battery or a cheap battery. Cheap battery may be your problem. Just had mine replaced at dealer for $265.