My A/C mechanic added 8 oz. of regular (non-hybrid specific) R-134A to my Prius A/C. Should I be worried?
Provided he did not add PAG oil or R134A with PAG oil added and did not use equipment that has been used on a PAG oil system you should have no worries. I have topped up my 2008 system with R134A pipe freezer spray because of a small loss of refrigerant on a yearly basis without problems. If your car was topped up with equipment that was previously used for a PAG oil system contaminating your AC system. You could end up with a high voltage leak problem in the compressor motor, but only time will tell. If that is the case having the system evacuated and refilled with the correct oil (ND11) would be the best course of action John (Britprius)
There is no difference between R134A used in the Pius than any other car. As stated in the prior post, only the oil is different.
I did not look at the process too carefully. I only saw him hooking up the low pressure side to a tank and a pressure gauge while the engine is running.
If he only added refrigerant you do not have a problem, but I would ask just to be on the safe side. John (Britprius)
My money is on you'll have to go to the Toy dealer to have the system evacuated b/c of contamination: the mechanic used his only AC manifold gauge set that has been used on conventional cars where he added R134A and at times PAG oil w/ R134. You need to ask him if the above is the case. If so go to a Toy dealer to have the system evacuated and refilled due to contamination.
Knowledge is something that you can't have enough of. NOT knowing can really hurt you in terms of time, worry and your wallet.
Went to talk to the AC technician. He told me that only pure R134A without any other addictive was manually added to my AC system. And he also said there was no equipment cross contamination with other customers. When he showed me the equipment used, however, I did see very slight oily like deposit at the hose fitting.
You most likely got a bit of contaminating oil NOT compatible with the Prius, but NOT enough to damae the long term viability o the AC system. Just consider it a learning experience. As I sated before, knowledge is everything. You can't depend on other's to have it. May lie t cover up their ignorance. Covering up with lies is not the answer to ignorance. Getting knowledge is.