I had ample before my job started...., it was a gorgeous day and with no time constraint, I decided to do my own "drafting" test using the DRCC. After 30 miles of 2 lane hwy, I entered onto I-70 headed west to Columbia, Mo. After a few miles I approached a semi traveling at 60-62 MPH. Followed this truck for approximately 60 miles. It was fun watching the AVG mpg on the dash continually increase. By the time I pulled into my destination, it was at 50.2mpg. Take off 5% for the error...(is that too much/too little?) and still achieved around 47.5 for 90 miles. Not great, but not bad. I had no idea how convenient the DRCC would be. One the return trip, traffic was going much faster....Did the same "drafting" but this time it avg. around 72mph.... Overall the 192 miles for the trip the Prius showed 46.7mpg. The 10+ mph really effected the overall avg...(not a big surprise)...
Those are some impressive numbers. Good stuff! I just picked up a brand new 2014 Prius v three in clear sky For my wife (no DRCC which sounds very nice btw!!) but we did really well mpg wise on our drive home, very high 40's over the initial 35ish miles of ownership. I am impressed. I also love how the v easily soaks road irregularities so much better than my persona, granted my persona has the low profile tires.
I believe it is about 100 ft.....not "prime" drafting area...but far enough back to reap some benefits. And the stopping distance for a Prius is much less than a semi. No need to worry about sudden stops. Plus, the DRCC slows the car down quickly...often times more than needed.
There are 3 distance settings that are 100ft, 130ft and 160ft. How the system responds to changes in speed differs depending on speed and following distance.