Not sure where to put this but the rear emblem panel on my Prius is starting to warp and the paint is crinkling like it's been subjected to super high heat....which it hasn't. Wondering if this has been an issue anybody has ever heard of? Thanks.
Where in the world are you? Parking outside? Climate? Confused by your description: do you mean just the oval emblem, or the whole body panel, the long rectangle above license plate?
Live in Los Angeles and the car is parked outside in a gated lot. It is actually the long rectangle above the license plate. It's crazy, like the plastic is melting/warping under high heat.
Just took a look at ours: doesn't attract a magnet. I know there's a lot of aluminum in the hatch, but looking at the zone around the license plate lights, with a strong light: I can see mold lines: I'm thinking that whole panel is plastic. Our's is pristine, but we're halfway to the North Pole, garage stored, lol. What color, black?
Piece is definitely plastic. Strangest thing I've ever seen. I'm sure the body parts are designed to withstand high temperatures.
^ Well yes and no. Definitely worth showing to your dealership, a warranty issue. Maybe they'll give some feedback to Toyota. On the front end, the panel the front Toyo logo's on, guess that one's plastic too. There was some spot, in Toronto I think: a high rise with mirror window façade was heating up cars parked nearby.
That is exactly what the rear panel looks like. Warped and wavy and paint looks flaky like that. Do you think Toyota will warranty that?
Here it is. Kind of hard to see but the panel is warped and the paint looks melted just like the mirror.