Sorry I've done a search but can't find anything. I just noticed the other day on my ride home after dark that the lower glove box light is always on, even when the door is closed. I never noticed this before and it seem a little strange for a hybrid car to have a light on for no reason, I don't see a switch to shut the light off when the glove box door closes, I don't see anyway to shut this light off, I realize it wouldn't draw more power but any power is to much in a hybrid. so is this normal for the light to be be always?
If it is an LED, the drain is insignificant. Even if it is a small incandescent, it might cost you a gallon of gas every TEN years or so to light it all the time. I would hope that it goes off with the ignition.
The way to shut off that light is to turn off the vehicle lights. When the lights are on, that little light is on as well. It saves the cost and weight of a switch in the glove box door, don't worry about the current drain.
I don't think I like that design either. It gets "dark" in the glove box before it gets dark enough for the headlights.
OK it does go off with the ignition, so I will forget about it. Just never saw it on before and all of a sudden I noticed it, now I can't stop looking at the crack around the door where I see light creeping out. LOL thanks.
It could be worse. My C doesn't HAVE a light in the glove box OR the center console. Or overhead in the back seat for that matter.
I replaced the LED and it still wasn't working. I was looking up fuse diagrams and stumbled on your comment. My gosh you just saved me from what I can only assume would have been a massive self-inflicted nightmare. ╭( ๐_๐)╮