Dear Folks, I found these two rubber caps(2 pieces) missing under the chasis during an oil change in the center of Prius alpha, the carpet is visible Can some one describe it to me what are these for? regards
If that is a photo taken from under your car, that means they did not install the proper rubber grommets from inside the vehicle during assembly in the Trim area prior to installing your carpet. These holes are necessary during the painting process to allow the ED phosphate to drain when they prep the vehicle bodies for receiving the paint as they enter and exit large tanks. Depending upon where the two rubber caps are missing, it may be fairly easy for you to install yourself. I would show it to the dealer and tell them it was a manufacturing defect that these were not installed. Good luck. Let us know how it works out.
Dear My, Thanks for the reply , If i wanna to install my self , do i have to detach the negative terminal of the battery to prevent airbag from opening or i just remove the seat to remove the carpet before installing them . regards
If you obtain the right rubber plugs, you might be able to fold and squeeze them into position from below the car without disturbing the carpet at all. It won't be totally easy because the tops are the wide parts, but they are somewhat flexible and if you can do it, and make sure the bottom lip is even all the way around, you'll be done in 5 minutes. -Chap
I'm not so sure they wouldn't stay put even if you put them in upside down from the bottom. In any case there are a number of available options for hole-plugs, a internet search should reveal quite a few.
The cap plugs are installed from the bottom; NOT from the top under the carpet. So, there is no need to disconnect the battery. Although that won't hurt anything.
I am not sure if you have to detach the negative terminal or not. If you have to unplug the wire harness from the seat, it might be a good idea. Perhaps someone else on here can fill you in.
The fact that there is an indented flange around the hole recessed upward into the metal explains it. That's to allow for the larger outer flange of the plug.
Always disconnect the 12v battery any time you are messing with anything that involves an airbag. If one of those should inflate with your head near it .....