Hello Guys. I have a question regarding the OBD connection. Someone tried to steal my 2009 gen3 prius last week. After that I tried to check what happend in the CAN, but when I connected my cable with techstream, during the connection the dash showed "check hybrid system" "ABS/VSC error" "low oil pressure" and similar stupid messages. Battery terminal removed, and the messages disappeared. Tried to connect by 2 different bluetooth ELM modul as well, unsuccessfully. Same way we tried the american techstream, but it showed only 3 visible ECUs. (the car was running fine) Today I went to the toyota dealer for inspection. They connected their techstream and cable, and the communication was fone. They cleared the error messages. After that I tried again my cable, same hybrid, abs, vsc messages. Errors cleared again. There tried also the two different bluetooth module, but the torque can't connect either. The dealer said, they can connect well, so they can't do anything else. CAN communication seems okay. Anybody have idea what can be the problem?
Certainly indicates that your OBDII adapter is faulty. Discard it and purchase a better one. Doesn't paid to troubleshoot the little microcomponents side of the cable.
I though as well. But tried with cable and two bluetooth modules. The cable worked with other car. Mistery Actually 10 minutes ago I tried the cable and the bluetooth with another prius. Both works well. I just thinking about does it possible there is a broken cable between the OBD connector and the junction box? And the delaer's tool had error correction to recognize the data flow?
That sounds mysterious! If i was you i would try to by another OBD. I use an OBD Elm327 (only Bluetooth) i bought from amazon and works fine. Which model are you using?
I'm using two ELM327 (one normal, one low profile) and I'm using a J2534 cable as well. Since the last comment of mine, already deleted / teached keys in another 3 priuses with my set. I'm thinking about some damaged cable between the OBD connector and the junction box In a better weather I'll check
I see, you are using the same as mine then it sounds like it could be a bad connection, i have tried to pill off the obd port under the dash and the wiring to the port seems very good insolated and hard to follow since it joins other wiring. You can check and follow the wires to the junction box and take your good time to pill off the insolation without damaging the wires . I really don't know where the junction box is located i could guess maybe its one of the ecu behind the glovebox.
The junction box located left to the driver's side (In EU). Two plastic and one srew must be removes. Plus if you want to check the wires, the leg airbag must be removed. But I'll check the cables and isolation. Thanks