Does anyone else ever feel the urge to honk, wave or give some other gesture of camaraderie when another Prius, or especially your Prius twin is in sight? I have felt like doing something like this a few times, but I wanted to find out if there is a universal sign of bonding that Prius drivers give eachother on the road. Any suggestions?
In our experience Prius drivers aren't very friendly. I get more response from waving to people in identical Lexus' as mine, as I did in my previous Explorer. My mom had a New Beetle too, now there's a wave happy bunch.
I like the thumb against the nose and finger waving. I was even thinking about a rythmic set of beeps that would beckon an answer beep from the other Prius.
i've actually seen an increase in the number of friendly waves lately. usually i wave first and the other person may or may not wave back. lately, others are waving first! typically i drive around with my window down and just stick my hand out the window as i go by.
Many that I pass by on the freeway are absorbed in something and rarely even look over. I always look. There were these 2 30+ guys once that were a lot of fun, waving at my red headed friend and I.....they might have been interested in more than the car.
I drive along and I see other Prius drivers checking me out but not as much as it once was. No waving here though, waving stopped well over a year ago.