I left my hazard lights on for 3 hours. Outdoor temp is 25 F Car will not power up...no dash controls illuminate when fob is inserted and start button pressed. Can I rectify this problem by jumping the accessory battery with a 12 V power pack make to just art ordinary cars. Can it be main battery that is the problem. It is the original 12 V battery. Thanks for any suggestions 2005 Prius
you can jump it and see if it works; 10 year old 12v most likely the culprit. be very careful not to jump it backwards.
What he said. And start shopping for a new battery. If it wasn't weak before this episode, it certainly will be after. And might not get or hold enough charge just from driving to reliably start next time either.
I jump mine from under the hood. There is a place to connect to the Positive (Red) under the fuse box cover. The cigarette lighter devices won't have a connection, they are not connected to the battery when off. The access to the battery in the back is sub optimal for jumper cables and hydrogen vapors could combust so I like that designed access under the hood. iPhone ?
You can't completely rectify the 12 volt battery by jump starting. It'll get you were you're going, but the battery's still wounded. If you read up on charging, recharge it with a 3~4 amp smart charger, monitor its voltage with a digital multimeter, you may rectify it. How much money and effort you apply should be weighed against the AGE of the battery. If the battery is 4~5 years old, it might be expedient to just replace it. Still, one of the best things you can do for a new battery is charge it before installing, and a multimeter is always useful. So maybe worth trying to revive the existing battery, regardless.
I am looking for a new battery. I noticed that Canadian Tire in Canada stocks a replacement 12 V battery for 188.00 canadian that's like 140 dollars US. anyone ever try this source with success? Thanks for all the feedback.
I was thinking about it, since I could get one with a points gift card. A little concerned though, because the in-stock quantities never seen to change, makes me wonder about freshness. Might just go with YUASA through deslership parts dept. Is it this type: MotoMaster Eliminator Ultra Flat Plate AGM Automotive Battery | Canadian Tire (Can't seem to drill- down to prius-specific battery on my phone; believe it was $189?) YUASA through dealership was around $215, through one dealership, a bit of a drive from me. It's worth phoning a few.