Does anyone use any aftermarket performance air filter like K&N's for their prius? Any benefit gain from aftermarket filters? What's the best air filter does anyone buy/use? Thank you!
As a motorcycle owner, here's my experience.... The OEM air filter is BEST because the air induction system and computer is optimized for it. Yeah, aftermarket filters will give you better air flow, but it comes at the inherent cost of more "dirt" getting through. K&N's oiled filters compensate some because the oiled surfaces help to catch stuff, but that means more maintenance. I'm not sure how cars compare, but motorcycles need to have the carbs modified with new jets and settings or the ECU modified (fuel-injection) with a new fuel map to get the benefit without running too rich or too lean. Motorcycles often need aftermarket exhaust (which is more free-flowing) to really see a benefit from an aftermarket air filter like K&N. Increased air intake on the front end is useless unless there is lessened restriction on exhaust flow as well. Aftermarket units, to my knowledge, DO NOT filtrate better than OEM. They do offer the potential for increased performance, which on a Prius is a total waste of money unless you plan to operate in PWR mode most of the time and race up and down the highway. It will do little to nothing to improve daily driving or fuel economy. I'm sure others may have differing opinions.
Oh, I'm still on my original air filter, but I'll probably just by the standard FRAM filter from Wal Mart. It's done fine in all the other vehicles in my family. There's really not a lot of room for improvement here on the daily drivers. Some makers might produce garbage, but I've not heard any prominent complaints where air filters are concerned.
I use OEM engine and cabin air filters. I live in the Chicago area and I just replaced the standard cabin filter with the charcoal filter. Thought I would try it for this area.
Frankly, OEM, FRAM or Purolator, whichever air filter is cheaper. In most cases, the OEM filters are just rebadged FRAM or Purolator. I use FRAM in my Acura as well, but only FRAM's air and cabin filters. Thanks.
Check Ebay as I got a great price on OEM from South Florida through the mail. Checked the last OEMs I bought and they do not have the wire support screen on one side of the filter like some of the ones I bought on Ebay for after market. IMHO I think that is a good safety feature. Toyota 1780137021 Prius Air Filter 2010 Current QT1 | eBay
Since the OP is about aftermarket filters. I thought I'd post some pics of the ones I just installed. Now I'm not sure if they're any better then oem, I just liked the color.....