Hi Everyone, Windshield needs to be replaced on my 2013 PiP, wondering if anyone can weigh-in on replacing their windshield with Toyota glass vs. "other." I have always replaced OEM glass in the past, local shops want to use "other brand." Appreciate your thoughts/feedback. Thanks!
I am partial to OEM glass. I have a 2014 Avalon. It has Pilkington glass all the way around. I would take that. I have heard it is the same as OEM glass.
I would also recommend Pilkington. I replaced my windshield a few months Ago. So far so good. I to have a generation III.
The windshield is of the acoustic glass type. If the aftermarket glass doesn't have that extra layer (I think it's thicker laminate), it might be a tad noisier inside.
Fwiw, I had winshield replaced in 2006 Gen II Prius before selling to get Pip, used Safelite, and i could not tell difference between old and new glass. Work was done in my garage, and it was obvious installer knew what he was doing. And i'm pretty sure warranty transferred to new owner. Good luck
Had mine replaced in October 2012 by a window place in Riverside. Paid $300 out the door and its still going strong ~25k miles later.
Thanks everyone, as a creature of habit I think I will go OEM and pay for the Toyota glass. Local quotes are $250 for alternative and >$1,000 for Toyota Glass.
Some insurance companies may pay for windshield replacement without jacking up your rates or paying your deductible. We see that a lot
Your car is a 2013, nearly new. I think you are making a good decision by going with the OEM glass. Spending $1,000 will hurt for a little while but like everything, we get over it.
So I was a little off on my price, $180 is what they charged me for new glass in 2012. Lifetime warranty on labor.