My wife was driving, so this is second-hand. 2005 Prius w/ 155K miles. Wife was driving and warning lights went off. Then next time she drove they didn't come on. Still took it to get the codes and got C1241 and P3191. What do the 2 together mean? Main HV battery replaced a few months ago. A few months before that, the car was rear-ended. Thanks!
it could have something to do with the rear ending. these codes are tricky, did you take it to a toyota dealer?
Please help. Here are the symptoms: Occasionally the check engine light will come on. Car (a 2005 w/ 156K miles on it) seems to be running normally. Those are the codes it yields. One is "engine won't start"??? But it runs... Isn't one of those for coolant valve or something? Another oddity is the battery display. It seems to be getting the normal gas mileage, but the battery meter doesn't go up or down very much. It's stuck right around 7 bars or so... (in the blue). It will very rarely jump up or down...but quickly goes back to 7 bars or so. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Not yet. I guess we need to. Also I posted this in the wrong forum. Sorry, I've got a Gen II (2005).
Clean the MAF sensor and throttle plate. About $3 for materials and 10 minutes of your time. Remember to not get carb cleaner on the sensor.
C1241 is low 12 volt battery output. Check the voltage of the battery with a meter at the battery or the jump point with the car off. Also check the negative cable where it is fastened to the bodywork below the rear light for corrosion and tightness. P3191 Engine failed to start. This could be related to the low 12 volt battery voltage although the 12 volt does not turn the engine. It could also be that the engine failed to start on one occasion while moving or more likely from a cold start. The engine actually in this situation sounds like it started because it is spun at speed by the HV battery, and not slowly as in a normal car. This would give the DTC code. In very cold conditions with the wrong engine oil (to thick) can cause this. The battery display staying at around 7 bars is normal. Driving from a cold start it will probably go down somewhat, but as soon as the engine warms up the battery recovers. This is because when running cold the battery is used more to move the car to keep load off the engine to reduce emissions. Continuous large swings in the display are indicative of a failing HV battery. John (Britprius)
The vehicle has had an HV battery installed recently. I guess I need to get that checked. Is there a way to test it to see it's status?
The best way to test is with a Mini VCI. If you own a Prius it really is the must have piece of equipment. One saved trip to the dealer to have codes read will pay for it three or four times over. If the car was rear ended do check the 12 volt battery negative lead where it joins the bodywork. This is a common problem area. John (Britprius)