Just had a Kicker under seat Sub installed.......and wow....what a difference. I highly recommend for a very easy upgrade....this makes the Greenedge system more than adequate.....Plenty of power, fits under the passenger seat perfectly, plus has a handy dandy little attenuator knob that was installed to the center console that makes the output adjustment super easy. The stock Greenedge system is pretty good for a "stock" stereo. The addition of this sub makes it very good....Sure wish there was an easy way to change the NAV system to google maps. Oh, well...maybe in 5 years Toyota will learn...
How was the audio connection to the sub accomplished? Others will want to know all about it. Photos would be swell! Was the JBL system amp located in the same place?
I had a pro do it.....Worth the $110 it cost. The sub has a self contained amp. Complete wiring harness, etc included. He wired it directly to the amp under the drivers seat. Power was to the 12V battery in the rear. It turns on automatically when a signal is present. I thought about taking pictures but didn't want to bother the guy..... The JBL amp is under the driver seat Here is a link to a few pics: prius - Images | Gordon Radford Photography I slid it a bit forward to better show. It slips back about an inch and rests up against the vent, (not on it). .
That's a change from the pre-2015 v, where the JBL amp is under the passenger seat. So this option might only be realistic for the 2015 model.
Well, I have a 2012 and the main amp is most definitely under the driver seat. Perhaps the ATP package is different?
Non-ATP don't have an amp anywhere, the head unit powers all speakers. Under the driver seat is usually the satellite receiver.
I'm not sure what you are saying/implying..... I have a 2012 ATP v5. The amp is under the drivers seat. Nothing was under the passenger seat, until the sub was installed. Unless the previous owner had relocated the amp from under the passenger seat to the under the drivers seat, to leave the space under the passenger seat empty for no apparent reason, perhaps that is why my amp is under the drivers seat. But I doubt highly that is the case.
Nice setup. I guess the floor under the Prius v is larger. That kicker box will not fit fit in the generation 3.