I have a 2010 Prius with 100,000 miles. It has a vibration that starts at about 70-75 mph and gets much worse at higher speeds. The tires appear good with no unusual wear. Any ideas that would cause this.
Err, did you add gummy snacks to the "transmission" belt? A bearing would get louder, a tire with a split belt or mud and stones would vibrate more at speed.
Thanks. There is no noticeable noise. Perhaps a tire going bad then. They all look very good but I'm sure you can't tell about a tire belt issue by looking at them. Tires are nice and clean, nothing in the tread. I'll have them checked out. Thanks.
There are no belts in a GIII, transmission or otherwise. In fact, in a Prius transmission no gears actually -shift- and no clutches actuate. It's all computer controlled variable magnetic coupling. Most likely either a tyre internal failure (check the inside of the tyres for a bulge) or wheel balance. Wheel balance is the first "shop check". Weights can fall off.
Along with the tires themselves. It is sometimes hard to SEE things like a defect with the belts under the tread.
Thanks to all. Diagnosis was separated belts in front tires. New tires installed and all is good once again.