wow what a bummer. i loved that show. i checked it out first last winter when someone mentioned Claire leaving for New York in a Prius (no one bothered to tell me that i wouldnt be able to see the episode until this week!!) so have seen the entire series all in the span of a month with the exception of the last season which was released to netflix last week. that tells you how much i enjoyed it. i dont watch enough tv to justify paying for cable much less HBO. i have seen the sopranos, curb your enthusisam, band of brothers, etc all thru netflix. i cant stand commericals and the release of tv shows on dvd has brought me back to the small screen, but only by dvd. i BARELY tolerate commercials during football season and went so far as to purchase season tickets for the Seahawks so i only have to suffer thru half as many of them
There was a Prius specifically featured in Charmed. In one episode, someone traveled through time from the '60s to the present (actually I think he was imprisoned in some book in suspended animation, I forget the details), and was startled by a silent vehicle driving by. "That car makes no noise!" I think Phoebe or Paige said, "Relax, it's a hybrid, it runs on electric." Or something like that. Anyway, the guy gets freaked out by all the modern technologies.
Not exactly the "big screen" but this silly music video by a comedy group not only features a Prius, but raps about it! The video also includes Kal Penn (Van Wilder, Harold & Kumar) and Brandon Routh (Superman Returns). Check it out: