Hey all! I need some advice on recommendations for new tires on my 2008 Prius Touring... I just got my oil change and was told its time for new tires here soon. Any suggestions would help, thanks!
It's a little difficult from the UK for me to give actual product advice on tyres for your touring as the US tyres are different to the European versions. However the touring Prius has one thing in common with it's cousins here in that it uses 16 inch wheels. If you change all four tyres go up one size to 205/55/16 this has a number of benefits against the OEM 195/55/16. The tyres are at least 20% cheaper, there is a much greater choice of tyres, the speedo becomes more accurate, and the handling and straight line stability are greatly improved. There are no clearance problems. The tyres of choice in the US seem to be the "Michelin energy saver AS" or the Bridgestone EP422. The tyres you choose can have a big impact on your fuel economy so do read the information linked below, and ask any questions there. .Low Rolling Resistance replacement tires: Current List John (Britprius)
If you have Costco membership, just go there. Prices are next to impossible to beat. There is always some $70 off a set of 4 Michelin or 4 Bridgestone promotion running and the $15/tire install fee includes all of this: Lifetime balance & rotation, Road hazard warranty Rubber valve stem (not applicable to the Prius) IIRC, tire disposal fee is a separate $1/tire charge. CHEAP. You'll be floored at how much tire stores charge. Lifetime is 5years from date of install or till 2/32tread depth, whichever occurs sooner. The tire places I have called won't match Costco's total price w/ everything above.
Thanks Brit for your insight, big help. If my girlfriends parents are Costco members would I be able to get service exstudent?
Ability to get service (rotation/flat repair/road hazard warranty) can only be done by the member who made the tire purchase. Should you two split, would you want to want depend on the ex's for Costco service? Annual membership is only $55/yr.
I have heard that sometimes pin-head Costco employees won't install different than oem sized tires. and you definitely want the 205's as john says.